Benoît Lessard
Benoît H. Lessard (he/him) (Ph.D., P.Eng. FRSC) is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, cross appointed to the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Canada Research Chair in Advanced Polymer Materials and Organic Electronics. His research focuses on developing new carbon-based materials and integrating them into thin film electronic and photonic prototypes and emerging applications.
The Lessard Research Group works closely with Canadian industry and conducts projects related to flexible printed electronics, organic thin film transistors and inexpensive point-of-source biological/chemical sensors. Prior to joining uOttawa in 2015, Prof. Lessard completed an NSERC Banting Fellowship at the University of Toronto studying crystal engineering and optoelectronic device fabrication and obtained his PhD (2012) from McGill University in polymer reaction engineering.
contact: benoit.lessard@uottawa.ca
A bit about Benoît
Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Cross-appointed in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Polymer Materials and Organic Electronics
Promoted to Full Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa
Appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Cross appointment in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa
Promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa
Awarded Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Polymer Materials and Organic Electronics
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa
NSERC Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto
PhD in Chemical Engineering, McGill University
SPP/JPP Young Investigator Award - Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
NOVA Chemicals MSED Early Career Investigator Award - The Chemical Institute of Canada
Emerging Leaders 2023 - IOPsciecne Flexible and Printed Electronics (FPE)
"Small" Nano Micro Rising Star Special Issue - Wiley Journals
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Lectureship Award - Can. J. Chem. Eng.
Early Career Researcher of the Year Award - University of Ottawa
CSChE Innovation Award - Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research - Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa
Top 20 downloaded article between 2017-2018, Macromol. React. Eng. 2019
J. Mater. Chem. C. Emerging Investigator
Ontario Early Researcher Award (ORF ERA)
John Charles Polanyi Prize - Chemistry (Council of Ontario Universities)
Banting Post Doctoral Fellowship - Natural Science and Engineering Research Council 2013-2015
Editorial Board Member - Nature Scientific Reports
Editorial Advisory Board - ACS Applied Electronic Materials
Fellow - Royal Society of Chemistry
Member - Professional Engineers of Ontario
Member - Materials Research Society
Member - American Chemical Society
Member - Canadian Chemical Engineering Scoiety
Member - Canadian Society for Chemistry